Energy Saving Tips to Cut Costs in 2023

Electrical Repair Services in Mt. Pleasant, SC | Aptus Home

As we head into a new year, many will resolve to start working on saving money in the upcoming year. Since every little bit counts, cutting back on your energy consumption might not seem like it will do a lot, but over the course of a year, those little things that you do will add up to more than you might think. These are just a few tips to cut your monthly costs for the year ahead and going forward. These are also great ways to become a greener you in 2023!

Change Your Air Filters

Although it might not seem like regularly changing out your air filters will do much to cut costs, it will. When you change your air filters, you not only increase the air quality of your home, you make it so that your heating and air conditioner have to work harder to push air through. When a filter becomes clogged, your system has to work overtime to do the same amount of work. That not only means higher energy costs; it means that you will increase the risk of needing a repair, or worse – an early system replacement. Changing your filters every 30 days is a great way to keep everything running in top shape!

Insulate Windows and Doors

As the cold weather rages on in the area, you are probably finding that some parts of your home are not as comfortable as others. Aging homes are likely to have several places where cold or hot air can leak in. Since it’s not your job to heat and cool the neighborhood, focus on your home by using do-it-yourself insulation for your windows and doors. This will not only help in the wintertime; it will also keep you cooler in the summer.

Use Your Window Treatments

Window treatments are not only a great way to maintain privacy and keep the light out of your eyes at the break of dawn; if used properly, they can do a lot to increase your home’s energy efficiency. Make the best use of radiant heat from the sun by opening your blinds wide during the hours that the sun is shining and closing the blinds at night to buffer the insulated glass and trap the indoor temperatures inside.

Don’t Set It and Forget It

Most of us are creatures of habit who like to set and forget things. When it comes to your thermostat, it is best to either have a programmable thermostat that you can set or to invest in a smart thermostat that you can monitor when you aren’t around. The key is to only heat the rooms you need when you need them, and to shut off the heating and cooling when it is running for no one. Just lowering your home’s temperature by one degree can save you as much as 2% monthly – again, it might not sound like a lot until you do the math!

Use Your Registers

Most people use registers as if they are just ways to keep kids’ toys out of the ductwork, but that is only part of what they can do. If you have rooms that aren’t being used regularly, it is best to close the registers that feed those rooms so that the air isn’t heating or cooling spaces where it’s going to waste. Walk around your home to spot places where heating and cooling measures don’t need to be taken at all.

Invest in Our Routine Maintenance Program

It might seem counterintuitive to think that you should spend money to save money, but sometimes it just works that way. Our routine maintenance program is designed to keep your energy costs lower by reducing your energy consumption, reducing the risk that you will need a repair and extending the life of your HVAC units and system. Preventative care is a lot less costly than a repair call after the fact! Sign up today and start to reap the savings from day one!

As we head into a new year, many will resolve to cut their monthly costs for the year ahead. If you want to be ahead of the game, use these energy-saving tips from our heating and air Charleston, SC company today. You might not see the savings today or tomorrow, but by the year’s end, you definitely will! Contact us today to schedule your regular maintenance!

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